
Buckeye asks SCOTUS to protect teachers’ rights to free speech from union coercion

Sep 01, 2015


California, among other states, forces public sector employees who opt out of the union to pay an agency fee, which is supposed to support the union for collective bargaining services, including lobbying on behalf of the union. The Supreme Court previously held that public sector employees could be reimbursed for union contributions to political campaigns.

Forcing an employee to pay for lobbying activity is compelled speech in violation of the employee’s First Amendment rights.

The Buckeye Institute filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of the United States in support of Rebecca Friedrichs and the First Amendment. In our brief, we highlight data showing that unions can survive without compelled contributions and, alternatively, can lead unions to better serving their members.  


UPDATE: 9th Cir affirmed with a 4-4 split.


Download the Amicus Brief: Rebecca Friedrichs, et al., Petitioners, v. California Teachers Association, et al., Respondents