Economic Research Center
There are tradeoffs with any change to public policy and even small policy changes impact state budgets and taxpayers’ pocketbooks.
To help citizens and policymakers understand how policy decisions impact businesses, families, jobs, the economy, and state revenues, The Buckeye Institute provides reliable independent research and custom dynamic economic modeling on:
Using its custom dynamic scoring model—STELA (state tax and economic long-run analysis model)—developed by economists at The Buckeye Institute, experts can demonstrate how government changes to tax policy impacts:
Economists and analysts at The Buckeye Institute conduct research on a variety of issues, including tax reform, fiscal policy, energy policy, and healthcare policy. Buckeye’s experts also model tax plans tailored to the specific needs of states and meet with policymakers to clearly explain how those plans impact taxpayers and economic growth.
Since 2016, the ERC has worked in 14 states saving taxpayers nearly $15 billion. We can help your state too.
“When our state was undertaking some very tough discussions and decisions about new taxes, APF chose the Economic Research Center at The Buckeye Institute to study the data. It was important to us that a thorough and methodical analysis be conducted of potential tax proposals which were circulating. We can’t expect policymakers to make the right choices without a full picture of the impacts. The resulting product was a remarkable study, Unsustainable Spending: The State of Alaska’s Budget and Economy. The valuable information in this report was used by policymakers in the executive and legislative branches as they grappled with these issues. Good policy depends on solid data, such as that provided by the Economic Research Center.”
—Bethany Marcum, Chief Executive Officer, Alaska Policy Forum
“The Buckeye Institute’s Economic Research Center produced A Better Path Forward for Iowa Tax Reform, which modeled four tax reform scenarios. This study was instrumental in helping drive the tax reform agenda in Iowa. During the 2020 legislative session Governor Kim Reynolds made tax reform a priority. The scenarios in A Better Path Forward resembled the governor’s proposal. In fact, the study was read by the governor’s tax advisor and it was shared with numerous legislators. The report also allowed us to contribute to the tax reform debate through a series of op-eds and media appearances across Iowa. We could not have done this without the expertise of Buckeye’s Economic Research Center.”
—John Hendrickson, Policy Director, Tax Education Foundation of Iowa
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Power Failures: States Rethink Failed Energy Policies
March 4, 2025