
Greg R. Lawson

The Buckeye Institute-Championed Higher Ed Reforms Signed into Law

Greg R. Lawson March 28, 2025

The Buckeye Institute commented after Governor Mike DeWine signed Ohio Senate Bill 1 into law. “The policies in Senate Bill 1 will ensure a diverse intellectual environment for all students and accountability for faculty, and they will cut administrative bloat to focus universities on graduating students who are gainfully employed. These are much-needed reforms that were long overdue.”

The Buckeye Institute Comments on Passage of SB1

Greg R. Lawson March 26, 2025

The Buckeye Institute commented after the General Assembly passed Ohio Senate Bill 1, which now goes to Governor Mike DeWine. “Ohio took a major step towards improving higher education in Ohio with the adoption of the policies in Ohio Senate Bill 1, and Senator Jerry Cirino deserves a round of applause for his tireless efforts and leadership on these critical reforms. If enacted, the reforms in Senate Bill 1 will better position Ohio’s public universities to teach students and equip them for success after graduation.” 

The Buckeye Institute’s World-Famous Piglet Book Identifies More Than $9 Billion in Savings for Ohio Taxpayers

Greg R. Lawson March 20, 2025

The Buckeye Institute released its world-famous 2025 Piglet Book, which identified more than $9 billion in savings for Ohio taxpayers. The Piglet Book analyzes Ohio’s proposed biennial budget to offer specific savings for lawmakers to consider as they debate the state’s two-year budget. “To help keep Ohio economically competitive, the General Assembly should aggressively prioritize cuts to public spending, curb Medicaid growth rates, close tax loopholes, eliminate corporate welfare, and end government ‘philanthropy.’”

The Buckeye Institute: HB28 Lays Foundation for Broader Property Tax Reforms

Greg R. Lawson March 19, 2025

The Buckeye Institute testified before the Ohio House Ways and Means Committee on the policies in Ohio House Bill 28, which, if adopted, will “lay a foundation” for further reforms, such as those championed by The Buckeye Institute. Buckeye’s commonsense recommendations would bring more transparency to how property taxes are spent and eliminate “layers of fragmented, redundant bureaucracy” that lead to higher property taxes for Ohioans. 

The Buckeye Institute: Policies in SB1 Would Ensure Higher Education Accountability

Greg R. Lawson March 19, 2025

The Buckeye Institute testified before the Ohio House Workforce and Higher Education Committee on policies in Ohio Senate Bill 1, which, if adopted, would improve higher education in Ohio by increasing accountability. In the testimony, The Buckeye Institute, praised America’s higher education system, pointing out that it “has long been the envy of the world” and noted that the policies in Senate Bill 1 could help address the systemic and cultural problems facing Ohio’s public universities. 

In Testimony, The Buckeye Institute Supports Policies to Provide Affordable, Reliable Energy

Greg R. Lawson March 18, 2025

The Buckeye Institute testified before the Ohio House Energy Committee on the policies in Ohio House Bill 15—many of which were recommended by The Buckeye Institute and American for Prosperity-Ohio in Better Energy Policy for Ohio. The policies, if adopted, would help ensure a healthy supply of affordable, reliable energy to meet the state’s rising consumer demands. In the testimony, Buckeye noted that House Bill 15 is “the most free-market piece of energy legislation since the deregulation efforts in the late 1990s.”

The Buckeye Institute Testifies on Ohio’s Biennial Budget

Greg R. Lawson March 13, 2025

The Buckeye Institute testified before the Ohio House Finance Committee on the policies in Ohio House Bill 96—Ohio’s biennial budget. In his testimony, Greg R. Lawson, a research fellow at The Buckeye Institute, highlighted four areas—Medicaid, primary and secondary education, higher education, and taxes—and urged lawmakers to ensure the “state’s long-term fiscal health” and to “retain pro-growth tax policies.”

Cleveland.com Misses Larger Story of Ohio’s School Choice Success

Greg R. Lawson March 11, 2025

The March 11 story, Private school vouchers, Ohio’s wealthiest families access scholarships, misses the larger story of Ohio’s school choice success. As a result of the changes adopted by lawmakers, lower-income and middle-class families now get better access to the schools of their choosing. In Ohio, the poorest families receive nearly one-third of the total funding for the state’s leading voucher program, the EdChoice scholarship. Middle-class families utilize another one-third. 

The Buckeye Institute Offers Commonsense Reforms to Lower Property Taxes

Greg R. Lawson March 06, 2025

With property taxes in many parts of Ohio skyrocketing, The Buckeye Institute released a new policy memo recommending commonsense reforms state and local officials should adopt to help lower property taxes, the rise of which stems from Ohio’s complex local tax and government structures. In the memo, Buckeye notes that “[w]ith more than 3,900 local government bodies and taxing authorities…Ohio adds unnecessary layers of fragmented, redundant bureaucracy that duplicate administrative functions and impose higher operational costs.” These redundancies require Ohioans to pay ever higher property taxes. 

In Testimony, The Buckeye Institute Applauds Ohio’s K-12 Student-First Budget

Greg R. Lawson March 05, 2025

The Buckeye Institute testified before the Ohio House Education Committee on the K-12 budget in Ohio House Bill 96—Ohio’s biennial budget. In his testimony, Greg R. Lawson, a research fellow at The Buckeye Institute, noted that “putting students first means funding students rather than systems” and praised this budget for doing just that.