
Robert Alt

Is Home-Distilling Commerce? The Buckeye Institute’s Robert Alt Joins Fed Soc Forum

Robert Alt and Andrew M. Grossman April 26, 2024

The Buckeye Institute recently filed Ream v. U.S. Department of Treasury on behalf of John Ream of Licking County, Ohio, asking the court to overturn the federal government’s ban on the home distilling of spirited beverages and arguing that this ban exceeds Congressional authority and violates the Tenth Amendment. Robert Alt, president and CEO of The Buckeye Institute, discussed this important case at a forum hosted by The Federalist Society.

Local business owner is challenging law involving home distilling

Robert Alt March 28, 2024

Home distilling is illegal under federal law, but represented by The Buckeye Institute John Ream is challenging that prohibition in Ream v. U.S. Department of Treasury, arguing that homemade spirits are a hobby as American as apple pie. The Buckeye Institute’s Robert Alt joins Anna Staver on All Sides to discuss the case.

A Would-Be Home Distiller Fights Back in Ream v. U.S. Department of Treasury

Robert Alt March 25, 2024

An engineer and brewer thought he would take up home distilling as a hobby, but he then learned it’s a federal crime. In Ream v. U.S. Department of Treasury, he’s fighting back. The Buckeye Institute’s Robert Alt, John Ream’s attorney, explains.

The Buckeye Institute’s Robert Alt Testified before Congress on Reining in the Administrative State

Robert Alt March 20, 2024

Robert Alt, president and chief executive officer of The Buckeye Institute, testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust on the inherent problems when government agencies adjudicate their own cases. In his testimony, Alt notes that agency adjudication presents “unique threats to civil liberties and the traditional protections afforded to defendants” in federal courts.

The Buckeye Institute’s Robert Alt Joins FedSoc’s Courthouse Steps Preview to Discuss Upcoming SCOTUS Oral Arguments

Robert Alt March 12, 2024

On March 18, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear two cases related to “jawboning”—Murthy v. Missouri and NRA v. Vullo. The Buckeye Institute’s Robert Alt joins FedSoc’s Courthouse Steps Preview to discuss what is at stake in the two cases. The conversation features Alt; Will Duffield, policy analyst at Cato Institute; and was moderated by Casey Mattox, vice president for legal and judicial strategy with Americans for Prosperity.

Net-zero banking aimed at carbon emissions would hurt farmers

Robert Alt and Chris Ingstad March 03, 2024

In The Gazette, Robert Alt, president and chief executive officer of The Buckeye Institute, and Chris Ingstad, president of Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation, highlight the dire economic consequences for Iowa farmers and families related to the Biden administration’s climate-control policies. Buckeye’s report and this op-ed come after Iowa’s Secretary of Agriculture signed a joint letter to six of the country’s largest investment banks expressing concerns over the banks’ support for net-zero banking practices.

Vote 'yes' on Issue 1 to 'fend off the Californication of Ohio'

Robert Alt July 27, 2023

In The Columbus Dispatch, Robert Alt, president and chief executive officer of The Buckeye Institute, makes the non-partisan case for voting YES on Issue 1. “Tell your friends, family, and neighbors: voting ‘yes’ on August 8 will align Ohio’s constitutional amendment process with the wise supermajority requirements enshrined in our beloved U.S. constitution and simultaneously ensure that Ohio does not become beholden to special interests on either side.”

Ohio’s Budget Includes The Buckeye Institute-Championed Universal School Choice and Tax Cuts

Robert Alt July 04, 2023

Robert Alt, president and chief executive officer of The Buckeye Institute, commented after Governor Mike DeWine signed House Bill 33, Ohio’s biennial budget, into law. “Governor DeWine proposed greater school choice for Ohio families, Speaker Stephens and the Ohio House expanded it, and President Huffman and the Ohio Senate rightly made it universal. As a result, Ohio families will have access to the education that best meets their children’s needs.”

Taxation Without Representation Meets the 21st Century

Robert Alt June 23, 2023

On RealClear, The Buckeye Institute’s Robert Alt asks, “Who is authorized to tax the income of a commuter who doesn’t commute?” Buckeye challenged a half dozen cities across Ohio in court—most recently Cincinnati in Schaad v. Alder, which had its oral arguments before the Ohio Supreme Court on March 1—for taxing the income of workers who do not live in, and were legally prohibited from working in, those same municipalities under Ohio’s pandemic-era stay-at-home order.