
Buckeye Institute-Inspired Policy Goes to Governor DeWine’s Desk for Signature

Dec 12, 2019

Columbus, OH – Rea S. Hederman Jr., executive director of the Economic Research Center and vice president of policy at The Buckeye Institute, issued the following statement after the Ohio House voted to pass Senate Bill 7, which, once signed into law, will remove barriers to employment for military spouses. The Ohio Senate voted to pass the bill on Wednesday, December 11. The bill now goes to Governor Mike DeWine for signature. 

“The policies passed in Senate Bill 7 make Ohio a more welcoming place for those who sacrifice so much for our country—our military families. Once signed into law, this Buckeye-inspired reform will help military spouses get back to work after a military transfer to a new base by removing needless barriers to employment.

“While there are so many people to thank, none deserve more thanks than the men and women who serve our country and the families that support them. The Buckeye Institute hopes that Governor DeWine will act quickly and remove the government permission-slip policies that have kept so many military spouses from earning a living.
“But the passage of this important policy is only the first step. It is time for Ohio to adopt full occupational licensing reciprocity, which will remove needless occupational licensing barriers for all Ohioans.”

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