
The Buckeye Institute: Ohio’s Job Market Continues to Cool in April

May 17, 2024

Columbus, OH – Rea S. Hederman Jr., executive director of the Economic Research Center and vice president of policy at The Buckeye Institute, commented on the newly released jobs report from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

“In April, Ohio’s unemployment rate increased from 3.8 percent to 4 percent compared to the national average of 3.9 percent. This continues a trend seen over the past year, with the national average climbing from 3.4 percent to 3.9 percent and Ohio’s climbing from 3.4 percent to 4 percent. This increase in unemployment comes as the labor force participation—currently at 61.8 percent—has remained steady over the past year, indicating that fewer people looking for work are finding jobs. 

“While the private sector added 500 jobs in April, revisions to the March employment numbers show that the private sector added 4,000 fewer jobs than initially reported, and now fewer Ohioans are working in the private sector than there were in March. Both the household survey and the payroll survey—which comprise the jobs report—show a weakening employment situation.

“Although Ohio’s job market set employment records over the past year, it has now clearly cooled as higher interest rates and inflation take their toll on Ohio’s families and businesses. As the state begins to prepare Ohio’s upcoming budget, policymakers should continue efforts to reduce the overall tax burden on Ohioans in a sustainable and responsible manner that also constrains spending, protects taxpayers, and keeps Ohioans working.”

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